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Comments are a powerful tool when creating and managing UFW rules.
SSH config is a powerful tool which we can use to configure profiles to connect to multiple machine with ease.
SSH keys are an important part of connections between services, but there are a few different types. Let's take a look at them.
Multipass is a tool built by Canonical which allows you to spin up and use virtual machines on Linux, MacOS, and Windows
Caddy is a great web server with the ability to reverse proxy. Let’s take a look at how we can use it.
Keeping backups of your data is crucial when running a VPS, let's see how we can use Restic and S3 to backup directories on our VPS.
Cloudflare Hyperdrive is a great technology introduced in 2023 for turning a regional database into a global database
Nixpacks is an incredibly powerful tool built by the Railway team, let’s have a look at how we can use it to build a containerised application.
grep is a really powerful tool when working on the command line, let's run through some basic examples to get started.
h3 is a modern alternative to express.js built by the unjs team. Let's take a look at how to build a simple API with it.
Go (Golang) is a fantastic language which is great for building APIs, let's take a look at how to build a simple API utilising Go 1.22 routing syntax.
Caddy is a great web server and can be used to reverse proxy to multiple destinations using path handlers
UFW is a great tool for managing the firewall on your Ubuntu machine without getting lost in iptables, let's see how to get it setup with some standard rules.